Sunday, June 13, 2010

Brassiere (BRAS)

I went to JcPenny's to buy some new bras. I just needed a couple brand new ones. My old ones were getting worn out. So I went today and tried on 6 bras none of them fit right. I was thinking it was just the band but my momma says its the cup size. GREAT! I went from a size 36C to a 36D. GREAT! I did get 4 good bras. I probably have the biggest bra size in my grade. :) Awesome sauce. Don't get me wrong I like mine biggish. I like them at Cs not Ds. If they get to big for my liking I will get a reduction. If to big they can give you back pain and gravity eventually gets a hold of them and they get saggy. So also anti gravity surgery might be in the future if that ever happens. Saggy & droopy ones are not attractive. Just saying. Big cup sizes run in the family. My mom and grandma have bigger ones than I do. So does my aunt. I guess I definitely got that gene on my mom side. I think to help with the gravity part I might try exercises. It sounds funny but maybe just maybe they work and will help out in the future.

Friday, June 11, 2010


I think it's so cool how different hairstyles make you look hot, pretty, boring, ugly, edgy, nerdy, and preppy. Right now I have medium length hair with one length hair and side swept bangs. I have been thinking that maybe I should sweep my bangs a little farther to the side and make them a little more choppy kind of edgy with maybe a few layers with a bob look to it. I am not for sure. But I don't want to look like all the preps in my grade. I want to be more edgier. I have done a short bob with bangs. But I want to grow my hair out long. Just to see if I look prettier or cooler. I am trying to get a similar haircut maybe to Shaliene Woodley. I love her bangs! But I am keeping my hair blonde. She is so pretty. Now I just have to wait to see what my momma thinks about this.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


I am a official blogger. I feel so cool. Except for that any one can be a blogger. I been thinking alot lately. It has been mostly about my relationship with a boy. We have been seeing each other for little over a week. And a couple days ago he told me he loves me. It mostly freaked me out. We just started dating. I didn't say it back because I am not going to say things I don't mean. And one of his exs is my best friend I asked her about their relationship and the whole "love" situation. She said they said it all the time. He only said it twice that day. Probably since I didn't say it back. Now he doesn't say it at all Which I think it's weird. But I think if you say it too much then it isn't special it's just something to say. But whatever. So I am questioning my relationship with him. It also used hurt emotional and physical when we didn't see each other enough. Since now it's summer and he is always "busy".But it don't hurt anymore at least for me anyways. I love hanging out with him. I try to cherish the moment and avoid looking at any clocks. We only live about a mile away, not even, and he can drive. But part of us not seeing each other all the time is my mom. For now there always has to be at least one chaperon. So everyday that goes by that I don't see him I more just like "aaa, whatever I can talk to him on yahoo messenger or Facebook." It's true we always talk either through text, yahoo messenger, or Facebook. And that gets boring so sometimes I don't go online or I just go invisible or ignore his texts. I just been thinking our relationship more than I usually do. Hmm...I wonder what's going to happen.

<3 Jenni