Sunday, June 13, 2010

Brassiere (BRAS)

I went to JcPenny's to buy some new bras. I just needed a couple brand new ones. My old ones were getting worn out. So I went today and tried on 6 bras none of them fit right. I was thinking it was just the band but my momma says its the cup size. GREAT! I went from a size 36C to a 36D. GREAT! I did get 4 good bras. I probably have the biggest bra size in my grade. :) Awesome sauce. Don't get me wrong I like mine biggish. I like them at Cs not Ds. If they get to big for my liking I will get a reduction. If to big they can give you back pain and gravity eventually gets a hold of them and they get saggy. So also anti gravity surgery might be in the future if that ever happens. Saggy & droopy ones are not attractive. Just saying. Big cup sizes run in the family. My mom and grandma have bigger ones than I do. So does my aunt. I guess I definitely got that gene on my mom side. I think to help with the gravity part I might try exercises. It sounds funny but maybe just maybe they work and will help out in the future.

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